Q: Does the applicant have to be highly musical?
A: No, but applicants should have an interest in music, as it is a core part of our program. We welcome all individuals, from beginners to expert-level musicians, who share an intrinsic love of music and have a willingness to learn.
Q: How “independent” does the applicant need to be?
A: We recognize that independence looks different for every individual, and our program is designed to help students increase their skills. Successful candidates are able to use the restroom without assistance and demonstrate basic self-care skills. Residents may receive verbal prompts and limited physical assistance when completing their personal care routines.
Q: Does BHMA support students who use devices to communicate?
A: Most individuals at BHMA communicate verbally, but some use augmentative devices such as tablets or smartphones. All who attend are able to express their wants and needs to staff or peers.
Q: What is the percentage breakdown of diagnoses?
A: Our current student body is approximately 40% autism spectrum, 20% Williams syndrome, 15% Down syndrome, and 25% other (intellectual disabilities, global developmental delays, chromosomal disorders or deletions).
Q: What if the candidate has mental health diagnoses?
A: The most common mental health diagnosis of individuals at BHMA is anxiety. Some also experience depression or mild OCD. These diagnoses can present challenges periodically, but generally do not impede their ability to manage themselves or their daily schedule. BHMA is unable to support significant mental health needs or behaviors that require physical intervention or restraint.
Q: Does BHMA accept students with seizure disorders?
A: We are not currently accepting new residential or day students who have a seizure disorder which requires a rescue medication. In order to provide quality residential and day experiences, we maintain a staffing ratio that allows our individuals to participate in a variety of activities while ensuring their medication is available if needed. This necessarily limits the number of people we can service. If you have questions about this please email the admissions office: admissions@berkshirehills.org.
Q: What if the candidate has medical needs?
A: BHMA has a full-time nurse and a number of staff trained to safely administer medications; however, our program does not have 24-hour nursing coverage, and thus is unable to accommodate intensive medical needs. BHMA serves individuals who have well-controlled conditions or disorders, and they are evaluated for admission on a case-by-case basis.
Q: How does medication administration work at BHMA?
A: We operate under the Medication Administration Program, commonly known as MAP. This program is overseen by the Department of Public Health and allows specially trained unlicensed staff to administer medications to individuals living in group homes. Staff are overseen by a specially trained MAP Supervisor and the Health and Wellness Coordinator.
Q: Can the applicant apply to the LIVE Program without going through the Transition Program?
A: No. All individuals must complete the Two-Year Transition Program before entering the LIVE Program.
Q: What percent of students matriculate into the LIVE Program?
A: Between 85 and 90 percent of students matriculate into the LIVE Program.
Q: How long can a student attend BHMA?
A: There is currently no limit to how long an individual can attend BHMA. The majority of students begin with us when they are between the ages of 18 and 23, and stay as long as they are able to engage with and benefit from our program. The most senior members of our community are in their thirties.
Q: How are these programs funded?
A: We accept three sources of funding: school district, self-pay/private, and Massachusetts Department of Developmental Services (DDS). We also accept a combination of funding sources (for example, a school district may pay for day services, and a family may contribute the residential balance).
Q: What are the annual tuition rates?
A: For families paying privately, the approximate cost of tuition for the 2024-2025 residential academic year (September to May) is $77,411.88. For families paying privately, the cost of tuition for the residential fiscal year (this includes summer) is $98,463.46.
For families paying privately, the approximate cost of tuition for the 2024-2025 day (not residential) academic year (September to May) is $47,297.91. For families paying privately, the cost of tuition for the day fiscal year (this includes summer) is $70,506.07.
Q: Are you still offering a summer program?
A: BHMA is no longer holding a Summer Program (camp), but is holding a Summer Extension (summer semester) for currently enrolled students.
Q: I am traveling from out of state to visit/ tour. Do you have local hotel suggestions?
A: BHMA has a discounted room rate at Residence Inn by Marriott Springfield/ Chicopee. When you call the hotel share the group code Berkshire Hills Music Academy when booking a room.
A local accommodation in South Hadley is Carson's Bed and Breakfast and Salon, less than a mile from campus.
Q: Do you offer private lessons to community members?
A: Unfortunately at this time we are unable to provide lessons or services to those not enrolled at BHMA.
Q: Can I follow you on social media?
A: We are active on social media so that friends, family and participants can see all of the exciting things going on at BHMA!